Saturday, June 10, 2017

4 years Later...

This is going to be a longer post. So, yeah, I did the PDC thing, built a house, and then got into landscaping the lot. This is the view of the yard from our deck:
A friend pointed out that for every plant, I've got one that's doing great and one that's not doing so great. True enough. On the far left you can see the nectarine tree that is taking over that section of the beds. The brown blob to the right of it is where the peach tree is just kind of puttering along. The nectarine is only a year older than the peach.

The design of these two "rockery" beds is intended to accomplish a few things:

1. Provide a "green fence" and a natural division between the front and rear houses. When I had it all planted with Castor Bean last year, it kinda overdid that. I knew it was temporary, so I was fine with it
2. Provide at least seasonal food. It definitely has done that with the herbs, nectarines, and satsumas, and to a lesser degree with the pears, peppers, tomatoes and apples. The bananas are not tasty.
2b. Provide harvesting access to the edible plants, which the lobed design accomplishes fairly well for a tall guy like me.
3. Provide a use for rainwater (and, eventually, greywater). I recently graded the lawn surrounding them so all water will drain towards the border and infiltrate at the base of the rock walls.
4. Provide a nice (eventually lush) environment to hang out in. The western bed definitely does more of that because it's older.

If you look at the previous post, you'll see what I had planned for the shipping container. Someday I'll do a modified version (roof beds only, door on the end instead of the side). Budget has definitely been a constraint. Speaking of budget: out of what you see there, I definitely did it on the cheap. All the soil is sheet-mulched with "failed" hay, manure, and compost. Most of the mulch was free, and all the rock was free (thanks, Craigslist!). It definitely helps that I'm ok with a "crusty" aesthetic. If I had my druthers, I'd have used more natural stone and the drip lines would start at a yard line rather than from the hose bibs, but it works as is.

Here are a couple closer views of the benches. Again, *free*. Again, you can see what I mean about a "crusty" aesthetic. But the forms are functional. I'm waiting patiently for that hackberry behind the fence to die (and trimming it as the neighbors allow), so the rest of the trees along the fence will flourish. It should only take another 10 or so years. I still don't know a ton about the preferences of different fruit trees as far as site, but I'm learning: Citrus seems to be happy in the understory. Pears prefer more exposure.
This is the herb spiral. Notice the placement within a few steps of the back door.  I'm still learning what wants to be where within this thing. It could also be better irrigated. It could also be 1 1/2x to 2x as wide so everything has more room. I'll say that I *have learned* that in Texas, neither parsley nor cilantro has a place in one of these. They belong in the shade so they won't bolt. I moved those and some chard over to the shade of the nectarine. And basil prefers "danker" soil than is in here (I used Geo Grower's soil on this. The hardier/shrubbier guys like it).

 I stained the posts and welded those arbors on the underside of the deck last year (thanks for letting me borrow the welder, Juan!). The grapes on the west side totally took off this year! They're all sitting in wicking beds made from troughs. They're planted with mint, chives, and tomatoes as companions. Everyone seems to be getting along famously. (I've got alliums under a lot of the trees in the garden, too. Apparently they suppress grasses?)

I have to harvest the tomatoes ASAP due to pilfering squirrels, so this isn't the most impressive photo, BUT they really like being trained up these little trellises on the south wall. They like the wicking beds, too. Interplanted with cucumbers, jalapenos, and (until today) kale.

This is a shot of the pawpaw grove, compost tumbler, and one of the pear trees. The pawpaws are kind of in a swale (rather than a berm) due to spatial constraints, but they seem to be ok with it. 2 years with flowers, but no fruit. At least they make nice dappled shade.

Enough about the edible plants.

Bambusa Textilis (weaver's bamboo) as a screen between our lot and the McMansion deck next door. You can see it on the right in the panorama (top of this post). These really took off! One more would be ideal, but at the price, I couldn't see buying three at once.  I hope to get the third one this year. I think the neighbors are happy that I planted them, as well. They block the view of us Beverly Hillbillies.

These next two are my solution to the ugliness under the landing that is comprised of our greywater valve and mini split A/C units.

See those tools just sitting out? Told you: Beverly Hillbillies.

More tomatoes and wicking beds in the foreground of this view. The overflow from this one cascades to the lower tomato. You can't see it, but there's an Akebia (chocolate vine) planted behind that lower tomato as well. It's getting established pretty well. I think it'll take off after I pull the tomato this year. Yeah, I know, I said I wasn't gonna talk about edible plants any more. I lied.

Following is the gate from the front drive. Oversized square steel tubing to link it to the cedar framing that's on the privacy fencing on both sides. I don't really like pressure treated lumber for outdoor uses in Texas. It just doesn't last. In the background you can see our deck. The railing is all p/t and it's not holding up. So I'm saving up to weld a railing/pergola for that thing. With built-in wicking beds and vines crawling up the posts. Our deck gives us plenty of "prospect" as architects would put it, but not a whole lot of "refuge". So I'mma fix that.

And this is the gate to the back. Solid to 6ft per City of Austin restrictions. 7th foot is trellis. Roses for a touch of green and security (because, yeah, we live downtown near a lot of bars). I never water those things.

The corrugated was the roof to the old garage that was in a bad place on the lot. In fact the "urbanite" that I used for building the start of the rockery walls was sawed wall footer from that same garage. And the siding is now the trim inside the garage apartment. I love reusing things.

Pano of the whole back fence. Rolling gate track is sitting on angle iron welded to the posts. It works great on a light footprint. More of that oversized square tubing to resemble wood framing.

If I had it to do over again, I'd probably have asked them to skip the flat bar that runs horizontally across the framing. I thought the corrugated would need it, but it would've been just as strong and looked better installed vertically at the overlaps. You can see the trees starting to peek out over the top. More roses will go in on the right. I had originally thought of planting sunchokes there, but I think they'd get out of hand.

So yeah, apart from building the house and getting it all permitted and inspected and installing built-ins, that's what I've been up to. Plus I got married. And built out and opened a fourth location of the business. I'll catch you up on the other projects soon.
