Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The end of 2010, the beginning of 2011

Following are images of one part of what I've been doing. Started a painting in the summer, but never finished it. I let the job and life get in the way, and for some reason painting just hasn't been very central to how I conceive things lately. That's what 2 degrees will get you, I guess.

Anyways, yes, mostly drawing. Good old draughtsmanship: solidity, austerity, clarity. Those are the goals. No fudging allowed. Everything in the drawing has a purpose. The rest gets chucked. I don't want to waste anyone else's time or attention on anything inconsequential to the piece. Even if it's just a little picture (or maybe especially because), it's worth saying things clearly. To be useful, even ambiguity has to have a purpose, something it's pointing towards.

It's pretty obvious why this one was done. The tail looks kinda broken and that big loop is kinda silly in retrospect, but there's no taking it down. I'll post a pic of the sign later.
 This was the sketch for a rejected t-shirt design for KOOP. They went with a copyright-free clip art paste-up instead.  This is the same thing that happened when I submitted designs for KALX years ago. I think the clip art for both of those came from the same book. I guess I know how to win those contests now!
 and then there are more birds. I defy you to tell me that you still think grackles are ugly.

 can't decide yet whether the tail should stay or go. These guys (or this guy when I decide) need to be cleaned up.

And this one needs more work. Just one sitting so far. He'll need another approach once I figure out how to make that wing look more supple.

Like I said, I'm keeping it humble. For now. I'll devote the next one to the *other* stuff.